So, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of a museum? Elegance. Sophistication. Heritage. Culture. And, of course, art. Right?
Well, guess what? A museum in Sweden, aptly named the Disgusting Food Museum seeks to do just the opposite. It displays a number of the world’s most disgusting and revolting food items, some of which might want to make you puke at the mere sight of it.
Maggots. Rotting eggs. Stinky fruits. Ewww.
Interestingly enough, the purpose of such a museum is not to make the visitors cringe in horror. Instead, it seeks to uphold the different cultural values and beliefs about food, and the factors which determine how we feel about food.
Here are a few food items at the museum. Go through it if you’re sure you have the stomach for it:
1. Sheep Eyeball Soup
2. Casu Marzu or Maggot Infested Cheese
3. Century Old Eggs
4. Kale Pache, Made Of Boiled Cow/Sheep Parts
5. Fruit Bat
6. Su Callu Sardu – A Kind Of Cheese Made Using A Baby Goat’s Stomach
7. Cuy – Roasted Guinea Pigs
How’s that appetite now, huh?