First and foremost thing you should do is to make sure that she is in love with you and feels the same about you unless you are looking for a casual relationship. As I suppose we propose only them with that much dedication whom we believe as our better half. But if you are looking for a casual relationship and still want to propose her in a cinematic or dramatic way then you can it's up to you.
But just a little reminder that don't take the last point as a option unless you need her badly, it's for professionals only, don't try this at home.

1. Take Her on a Romantic Date : Its the First part of the full story and an indication that you want to be with her in a romantic way, she will agree if she too feels that for you.

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2. Prepare The Speech : It's the best way to propose her rather just get down and propose. If you want to make it stand out then write something about her. It may be anything (not about the last soccer match or about your boss), what you like about her, why you want to be with her, memories you'll never forget etc. just be yourself.

3. Propose Her : And at the right time get down at your knees and propose the most beautiful woman of your life, whom you want to spend the rest of your life with.

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4. Don't Forget The Ring : It has a meaning why I'm telling this at the very end. Cause see if she feels the same for you it won't matter even if you forget the ring. Even it will be a memory that you forget the ring at such special day. Yea she might get offended with you for certain but later on time you both will laugh at this.

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5. And the most important advice: Don't try this at home. You can put a gun on her head and ask her to marry you. Hahahah!! I'm damn sure she won't deny. Unless she is a gangster or police officer.