Kundali Bhagya (The Fate of Our Stars) is an Indian romantic drama television series by Zee TV. It is a spin-off of Kumkum Bhagya. Lead casts of this series are Shraddha Arya as Dr. Preeta Arora, Dheeraj Dhoopar as Karan Luthra , Manit Joura as Rishabh Luthra, Abhishek Kapur as Sameer Luthra, Anjum Fakih as Shrishti Arora.

After the success of Kasamh SePavitra Rishta, Jodha Akhbar, Kumkum Bhagya and Brahmarakshas, Zee TV associate yet again with Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji Telefilms to bring an innovative narrative Kundali Bhagya.

You can Also watch the latest episodes of the series here..